Wednesday, October 8, 2008

my longest post EVER

Ok. SO here is a legit blog for those of you who are faithful readers. (ps: I would really like to know who my readers are, so please leave a comment.) I'm currently sitting in an air port waiting to board for a flight to Corpus Christi. Myself and the other speech teacher from my school are going there for the remainder of the week for a speech teacher conference. I'm looking forward to the workshops and am already excited about applying what I learn in the classroom, but I'm not looking forward to sitting in workshops from 8 am to 9 pm for the next 3 days....

Where to begin! For those of you who have not quite caught on, I moved to the Houston area in August. Pasadena more specifically. I'm teaching high school speech and lovin' it! It is way harder than I had expected, but I like the challenge. God has been so faithful to me. The move was flawless, getting started at school was a smooth transition, and I fell in love with the first church I visited. I've made friends, and feel "at home" here in this great town. Of course I miss my family dearly, but my busy schedule helps distract me.

Pasadena: I really like it here. Close enough to the water that I can satisfy my love for the ocean, far enough away from downtown Houston that I don't feel like a fish out of water, 10 minute drive to work, and I live next to a Barnes & Nobles. Life is good. I should add that three weeks into the semester I evacuated for Hurricane Ike. Awesome. School was closed for 2 weeks. I received only minor damage at my apartment (praise the Lord!) but many I know lost almost if not everything. My electricity was only out for a few days, but everyone around me (including next door) went weeks with out electricity. It has been hard on our area, but God has changed the lives of many through this disaster.

School: I have about 130 students, the majority of them are Hispanic. A few of my students speak very little English, and I am suddenly aware of why God called me to "learn" Spanish. I'm getting to practice it daily, which is wonderful. It amazes me how the majority of my students are the same age (Juniors) and yet everyone of my 5 classes are soooo completely different. 1st period- extremely quite. But that is totally understandable. It is after all 7:15 am (did I mention I wake up at 4:30 am? My dad would say that's karma). 3rd period is a great class. They are well-behaved and responsive to our lessons. You'd think they'd be my favorite, right? Just wait. 4th period is a fun class, the only hard part is they are in there for almost 2 hours. It is so hard to keep them awake when they are ready to get up, move around, and eat lunch! (Speaking of lunch, it starts at 9:45 am. Crazy!) Then there is 6th period, my biggest class. I have 33 students in there. Individually, they are great. However, they all have a TON of energy and lots to say. I have a little trouble managing that class, but I'm learning. And finally, 7th period. My favorite, and not just because it's the last class of the day. I would never tell them they are my favorite class, but I don't mind mentioning it here. So what is so great about them? Well first of all, about half the baseball team is in that class which is just fun. Secondly, they are hilarious! I'm positive I teach some of the funniest kids in the school. But finally, they are my favorite because they are good learners and seem to enjoy what we are learning. They are fairly easy to teach, and help make the learning environment enjoyable. I can't think of a better class to end the day with.

I'm also help coach Debate. The head coach heads up the actual debate part of the team (believe it or not, you do more than debate at tournaments!). I help the students write their speeches, practice for improv speeches, prose, poetry, and theater. Yes, those are all events with in debate. Amazing, huh? I'm learning a lot and enjoying it, but there is a down side... it keeps me at school for about 2 extra hours everyday and we travel for tournaments almost every weekend. However, it is all worth it. So that is enough about school.

Oh wait, I'll add one more thing. I sent my first kid to the principal. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, and I felt so bad. After all my students left the classroom, I cried. I dreaded seeing the student the next day, but to my surprise I am still his favorite teacher. Gives me a cool picture of how it must be for God to discipline us. It pains Him but we love Him all the more for it.

Church: My church is AMAZING! A friend had invited me, and I praise the Lord for that friend. The church has made my transition here so much better. The college+ group is wonderful, my pastor is oozing with wisdom, and the people are so loving. I am truly blessed. Oh and I got invited to start attending a small group which I'll begin on Sunday. We are going to be reading Crazy Love. I'm definitely looking forward to this. I miss having a group of girls to grow with.

A final thought: EMILY POTEET COME HOME PLEASE!!!!! My best friend is living it Australia and will be there until the middle of Dec. I haven't seen her since May. We talk almost daily, but it just isn't enough. I miss my 'lil Poteet! I can't wait for her to come home and then move to Pasadena to live with me! (wishful thinking, I know...)

My heart and flesh may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
Psalm 73:26


katie said...

hannah- i am so happy for all of the great things happening for you! sounds like a perfect job for you! and i'm totally jealous of your location next to a barnes&noble. God is good all the time! love&miss you!

Nathan said...

Hannah, you are awesome. I so wish I could be a teacher; I guess I might at some point-it's just not where God is calling me right now. It's so cool that you have gone from a college student who has bounced around from school to school to a bilingual high school speech teacher. Hugely impressive... It makes me wonder just how big the Lord might make your future. Anyways, hang in there and enjoy the place God puts you! - Nathan

Anonymous said...

Hannah, have I ever told you how impressed I am by you? I remember when we were younger and we were chickens about so many things, but you have really gone out into the world bravely and I am proud to call you my friend. I am so sorry that we haven't gotten to talk at all. But it is good to hear about what you are doing and that you are loving it! I think about you a lot and miss your friendship and the fun we had together. Oh and thanks for asking me about my status on facebook. Life is beating me up and down and I'll be honest, suicidal thoughts enter my head daily. I did get to study with a friend from HPU finally and that was awesome. Well, anyways, I still love you like a sister, and miss you. Hope your day is going well...