Monday, January 5, 2009

Home again home again, jiggity jig.

Well the past few weeks have been quite eventful. I spent a week at home with my family, and can I just say that I love my family? It was so refreshing to be home with them. The kids (Isaiah, Meelo, and Andrew) are growing up so fast. Sarah is looking very pregnant and I am very ready for baby Joshua to be here. Being home always makes me more homesick though. When I got back to Pasadena and walked into my apartment I was overwhelmed by the feeling that it didn't yet feel like home. Still feels very temporary. At what point does something begin to feel like home? A year? 5 years? I guess I'll have to wait and see...

We started back at work today. It's a strange feeling, coming back to work. The past 4 years I've had a month off at Christmas. While my 2 weeks was nice and appreciated, I could definitely handle 2 more weeks! However, in 2 weeks I will get all new students. I'm excited about that opportunity. This is most certainly going to be a busy semester. We are hosting a debate tournament this month, so I'll be swamped with work for that, and supposedly we will have tournaments every weekend until close to Spring Break (March 16). That is a long time from now, but I think I can make it.

My sister Mary is coming to visit this weekend. I can't wait! She is so much fun and I am looking forward to spending time with her.

I've been thinking about New Year's Resolutions. I usually don't make these, but I think I'll give it a try this year. I would like to be able to run a half marathon by the end of the year. I know that is MORE than enough time to prepare, but if you knew how much I hate running, you would understand why I need the whole year for this goal. Other resolutions include flossing everyday and having a better attitude about work. I would also like to find a place to serve at my church. Oh and NO MORE COKES! I have decided to (try) give up sodas. I think this might be the most challenging resolution! Caffeine is a necessity when you wake up at 4:30 am!!

1 comment:

Anna said...

I like the giving up cokes idea however I decided I couldn't handle that and wouldn't so I am going to give them up only during the week and treat myself one a day on the weekends (friday evening counts!) I know what you mean about home not feeling home, it will one day I think?? I am not there yet. Sad I didn't see your more. Maybe next year! Hopefully before.