Monday, December 15, 2008

Season 4 LOST!!

I'm currently sitting at Barnes & Nobles (my favorite place in the whole wide world!!!) with a few of my students. They are gift wrapping as a fundraiser and I am "supervising." I can't complain. I would probably hang out here on my own free will.

The search for a roommate continues. We are exactly 4 days away from Christmas break, and soon I will be getting a whole new group of students. CRAZY!! I can't believe I'm almost done with my first semester! Here's to hoping for a less stressful 2nd semester....

Guess who I'm going to see in concert Saturday!!!! Bethany Dillion! With Shane & Shane!!!! I'm so stoked. I love them. I went to their Christmas concert last year and it was Can't wait! I don't know if Daniel is as excited about it as I am, but oh well.

So random. I'm sitting here typing away and some of my students come over to ask me a question and the guy at the table facing me says "YOU'RE a teacher? How old are you?!?"
But it led to an awesome conversation. He just got out of the Army. He was in for 3 years and most of that served in Iraq until he got injured. Spent 18 months in a hospital over there. Anyway, had a great conversation just about the attitude of the troops and such, but he said something really interesting. He said you go over there believing in God and your country but you see so much pain and turmoil, that you no longer believe in any of that, especially not religion. He said to survive you can only believe in yourself and the other troops watching your back. This is hard for me to understand. I would think that at such a low and difficult place in your life you would lose belief and hope in everything BUT God. Something to contemplate. He said he misses life there though, fighting for our freedom. He feels unsettled here and like he's just coasting with out a reason to fight. I hadn't heard this perspective before on the war. Gives me something to think about.

I'm very ready for Christmas break. I'm looking forward to sleeping in!!

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