Monday, April 27, 2009

so THATS why i feel sick....

So I was out sick Friday, and am here but not feeling real well today. My students are convinced I have the swine flu. Now you would think that this would make them paranoid and what not, but they think it's awesome. To quote one of my students, "Dude Miss, how cool would it be if you were one of the 20 confirmed cases! And we know you!" Me-oh-my.

So this past weekend I got to go home and meet my beautiful new nephew- Joshua James Holt. I started calling him "JJ" but my sister (his mother) said that was "gay-gay" but, in the defense of anyone named JJ, know that I personally think that name is charming. However, to appease my sister.... Gator it is. (For those of you who don't know, when my sister found out she was expecting, Isaiah on his own started calling the baby Alligator. It stuck.) He is sooo precious. I'm glad I got to see him while he is still at the "all I do is eat, poop, and sleep" stage. In a month when I go home again he will look so different. I loved snuggling with him. It amazes me that someone can hold something so beautiful and fragile and still not believe in God.

It was very refreshing being home, I just wish I could have stayed longer. I always have such mixed emotions about home. My heart longs to be home, but at the same time I am so happy with life here. I really am torn between two wonderful places.

Things at school are crazy right now. We have the dreaded TAKS tests this week. After that, only FIVE MORE WEEKS OF SCHOOL!!!! Holla! The month of May is going to be super busy.
-May 15th I am taking the day off for a friends graduation here in Houston. The graduation is at 9 am so I get the whole day!! Hooray!!
-May 21-25 I'm going with the debate team to..... NEW YORK!!!!!! I'm so excited. NYC has been one of my "must sees" for so many years. Hooray for marking places of my list!
-May 29 I am taking that day off for my dear sweet small groups HS graduation back home! Can't believe my girls (who were in 7th grade when I started working with them) are all graduating and moving off to college! Makes me feel old! It will be nice to be home again for a few days so soon!

Now, for the latest breaking news. I'M GOING BACK TO PANAMA THIS SUMMER!!!!!!!! I know. You are probably just as excited as I am :) God is so faithful. Through out all my different plans and what not for this summer, my hearts desire has consistently been to go and visit my friends in Panama. However, with it not being a mission trip, I just could not finance it. Flights are just too much these days. Last week, I was sitting at my desk and the Lord laid it on my heart to call my mom and express to her how badly I wanted to go back to Panama. When I called her she said, "Hannah. Dad has TONS of frequent flier points. I'm sure he would love to help!" And she was right. With in 24 hours I had booked my FREE flight to Panama. I leave July 15 for 10 wonderful days in my beloved Panama. I'll be staying with Aylen's family while I'm there. It is going to be so different this time because it's not a mission trip, and I'll once again be back in a Spanish speaking home! I get to see all my wonderful friends, and there is a chance that I might get to go to Costa Rica for a few days while I'm there to visit some missionaries that used to live in Panama and help them with a camp they are putting on. GOD IS SO GOOD!

I feel like that phrase, "God is so good" has been a constant phrase for me in the last few weeks. Well, last few months actually. I'm sure if you read my blogs faithfully you see that. It's a lot to convey all at once. Take me out to coffee and I'd be blessed to share with you.

I'm reading Crazy Love again. That book blesses me. My small group is beginning to study Romans. I am looking forward to this. I feel like it is a very applicable book of the Bible for me right now. You can look forward to blogs on my reflections of what I'm learning :)

With that said, the bell is about to ring and in will walk my wonderful 7th period.

1 comment:

Beate said...

Soooo when are you going to Panama????