Tuesday, December 9, 2008

baby hippos and early mornings

I have decided that I officially detest waking up so early. My 4:30 am alarm has now become a 5:15 am alarm. Arrival at school by 6:15 is now more like 6:45... Waking up so early wouldn't be that bad if I went to bed earlier, but well... I'm not giving that up just yet. When I was "younger" I used to think about being an adult. Living on my own, being responsible for myself, having my own place... who knew it also included lack of sleep, bills, and sending kids to the principal. I miss being a kid...

I'm watching the news and they just showed a picture of a baby hippo... TOO cute. I want one for Christmas... Go here to see the video.

1 comment:

Em said...

I totally saw that Hippo on the news too!