Tuesday, November 18, 2008


So my lack of blogs is due to the fact that I don't have a ton of time to sit and blog, but today I have discovered that blogger is not blocked at my school! Hooray! I now have a new way to misuse my planning period! Haha.

Life has been pretty crazy these last few days. School is in full swing, just finished our 2nd 6-weeks. I can't believe I only have this group of students for 6 more weeks! I'm excited about getting all new students next semester, but not looking forward to learning 120 new names! I've been making lists of things I want to do differently in class next semester, so hopefully that will help with the management of the class.

This past weekend we had a super fun party at Tammi's. There was a great turn out, tons of food, and lots of laughter. Rock Band was a hit and I lost at (big time) at Nertz. All in all it was a wonderful evening. God has blessed me with some great friends.

In exactly 5 days I will be home! For a whole week! Hooray!!! I can't wait. I haven't been home since August! Crazy! I'm looking forward to spending time with the fam and especially with Isaiah and Meelo. OH and I haven't seen Sarah since shortly after she found out she was pregnant so I'm looking forward to seeing her. She will be having another boy. They're naming him Joshua James (Josh after my brother!), but Isaiah has called the baby "Alligator" since the day she found out she was pregnant, so I feel some nicknames coming. She'll be due right around... May? Yea that sounds about right. I'm so homesick! This will be great.

Thanksgiving is my absolute favorite holiday. I love going over to my Aunt Karen's with my moms whole family and just enjoying the fellowship. Playing with my cousins kids, beating everyone at UNO, watching Travis out eat everyone, enjoying the pie, and listening to my dad and Dustin compare cell phones (I can already hear them now... "Oh yea but can your's do this?" Anna you know what I'm talkin about!). The absolute best part though comes at just a few minutes before 11:30 PM when Josh starts taking orders for Whataburger breakfast burritos. That has been a tradition in my family for as long as I can remember. Every Thanksgiving we all go eat a late-night breakfast burrito from Whataburger. When we were younger we all piled in the car and went together. Now we just take orders and send someone. It is a great tradition. Yes it will truly be a wonderful day. To make it even better, Aunt Judy and Aunt Paula will be there this year! I can't wait. I'm trying to come up with a list of things I want to do and people I want to see while I'm home. I figure if I can't get it all in over Thanksgiving break, I can finish the list when I come home for Christmas.

Well I figure that's enough for now. The rest of this week will be great. Today I have a party with my debate team, then a basketball game. Wednesday is another basketball game and Thanksgiving dinner with the church college+ group. Friday I have a debate tournament and Saturday is Daniels senior recital (hoooray!!!). AND SUNDAY I'M FLYING HOME!!! 5 days... 5 days to home...

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